There is a lot to be said about having the sum of human knowledge at your fingertips and it's hard to imagine how we ever got along without the internet but there were times when it was very handy to not have instant access to any knowledge you desired.
Back in 1993 when very few of us had any sort of online experience the movie The Fugitive starring Harrison Ford came out. CityTV reran all the original episodes and a friend of mine was very into the show and was telling me how much he was enjoying watching it for the first time.
Me, being the little shit that I am, saw an opportunity for mischief so I told him, "Oh yeah, it's even better when you rewatch it after the finale so you can pick up all the little clues."
"Clues for what?" he asked, falling into my trap.
"Well the final episode he finally confronts the One-Armed-Man on top of a water tower and it gets very emotional and he suddenly realizes the One-Armed-Man doesn't exist. He realizes that he's been chasing a phantom of his own making and that he himself murdered his wife but his mind couldn't handle the guilt so it manifested the One-Armed-Man so he could project this guilt upon him rather than face the horror of what he did. When he realizes that he was the one who killed his wife the One-Armed-Man falls from the tower and just fades away into nothingness. Then Dr. Richard Kimble climbs down the tower and turns himself over to Gerard having finally accepted the truth that he murdered his own wife. Yeah, once you've seen the finale it is so much fun to go back and rewatch it to pick up all the subtle clues."
So my friend ends up watching the rest of the series trying to pick up all these subtle clues that Richard Kimble killed his wife and hallucinated a One-Armed-Man to carry the guilt of what he'd done. Then he gets to the last episode, watches it, calls me up on the phone and yells "YOU ASSHOLE!"