The biggest problem with the 2009 movie Surrogates, (bigger than the so called "hero" of the movie condemning thousands of people per day to death just because he was having intimacy problems with his wife) was the lack of diversity in people's surrogates. If we ever developed surrogate technology we wouldn't just see people running around in robot bodies that looked like themselves in their prime. People would finally be free from the biological limitations of human flesh and would be able to express themselves however they wanted. You think every Furry you know would opt for a robot body that was just a younger version of themselves? Hell no.
If surrogate technology was real would I walk around as a younger version of myself? Hell no! I'm walking around as a god-dammed 80s Sorayama poster. If you don't want to see me walking around as an 80s Sorayama poster then you'd better devote your life to stamping out any surrogate-like technology because when we get it I'm ditching this meat prison and strutting myself around as a sexy chrome bitch, and no laws, no men, no force on heaven or earth will be able to stop me!
Think you can stop me in your younger-you surrogate? HA! You get within 5 feet of me and you'll be mesmerized by your reflection in my shiny chrome boobs. You will look upon your reflection and see the sad, shocked face of a person who could have been walking around as a sexy 80s Sorayama poster but chose not to. You will see the naked truth looking back at you from my shiny smooth tits and realize the folly of your ways.